In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 11th & 12th; I'm already getting stronger.

The 11th of April. It has been a long day and my feet are freezing again. So much so, that I've had Mommy's microwaveable slippers on, and now fur-lined socks that hand been waiting on the radiator.

This morning at had a trip into town because I ordered some boots yesterday to be picked up in store, so we went to Selfridges to get them. No problems there, and we got some birthday cards from Paperchase. I ordered the boots in two sizes, and when we got home I tried on the size 7s. I'm glad I did, because the 6s definitely wouldn't fit, and to have to repackage them to return them would have been a real nuisance.

After lunch, I put up a blog post, then watched hours more of Scandal while I slowly worked up the body of the jumper. I'm on season 3 and Quinn is being a massive prick. I have no time for her. I've got just under 10cm left of the body to do, which'll probably take another day or so. Then sleeves!

The 12th of April.

Much less freezing today. Well, my feet, anyway. Outside it's still bloody cold. I do hope it warms up by Mach-time.

Not a day of great excitement. This morning, I rang up the BBC line about radio shows because I have tickets to a recording of Joe's new radio show that's happening at The Glee next week, so just wanted to check my usual arrangement will work. They're alright with that, and are going to let The Glee know that I'm coming. Then I rang Selfridges Customer Services to find out if I can return my boots by courier, but apparently that's only for items over £250 so I'll have to post them and get the tracking number.

After lunch, it was off to the gym. It was a horrible day (weather-wise) so there were quite a lot of youths in. Still, they were productive ones who move around, not the ones who arse about doing nothing so I can cope with them. I'm already getting stronger, or at least it feels that way. I've been able to up the weights on some of the machines. I suppose once I get to see certain point, I'm transfer to the ones that actually have the amount of kilograms on!