In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 13th & 14th; I am very skeptical.

The 13th of November. 

Today has felt productive. This morning, after my blog post, I had my second chiro appointment to fix my back after last week's atrocities. We weren't sure if I would be able to lie on my front (with my eye), but I just rested my chin on the headrest instead of my face and it was fine. It felt a lot easier today; my shoulder blade was a bit gristly still, but the lower back was much less painful, and I don't think I'll have any bruises tomorrow. We didn't put the Voltarol away just in case, but I think we can tonight. 

We stopped at the garage to get cat food because the kittens are finally nearly eating just chicken and their stomachs are okay, so soon we can have them eating normal cat food and they can be adopted! They will be huge by then but still super cute so that will not be an issue. 

This afternoon, I had my Dark Time and finished off The Riverdale Register, but I didn't spend the rest of it with the kittens, because I came downstairs to find every surface in the living room covered in clothes. Mommy was taking name tapes out of all of Grandma's clothes (and anything else she'd had to put her name on) so they can go to charity shops, and I wanted to help. She wasn't sure if I'd be able to see, but when I put the light on, I couldn't see the stitches themselves but I could see the indentations in the fabric so that was perfectly adequate. We sat and watched Nadal play quite a stressful match, and took enough names out of items to fill up a bag to go to Acorns tomorrow. 

We'd done all the clothes for the day, but I said I was happy to do a bit more, so I did some pillowcases and scarves. While I was just finishing off the last few handkerchiefs, the doorbell rang, and it was Alison and Harry! He can basically walk now. If he has a bit of furniture to hold on to that is the right height, he's off. Genuinely, all he needs is the core strength to hold his body upright without support and he will be walking. I'd say in the next week or two, he will be strolling around the house. All I want is for him to talk because I just find baby language so funny. Hopefully those skills come early too!

The 14th of December. 

For once, it's been me that's had a bad night. It's been par for the course with Mommy recently, but this morning I woke up at ten past six and my brain decided we were awake for good. No going back to sleep, so I stayed in bed until eight, listening to people on the radio talk about the new John Lewis advert, watching it, and almost getting emotional. It was too early to be doing things like that. 

Much less productive day: this morning, I sat and did the first several rounds of a cat blanket, using a slightly different pattern to just the standard circle. However, having got to the sixth round, and it being nearly lunchtime, I realised it wouldn't work, because it had quite large holes in and kittens would love to stick their arms through them and end up tearing it apart. Unravelled the whole thing, which took a while because it was nearly a whole ball of wool. And that was my morning!

After lunch, I spent my Dark Time listening to The Missing Cryptoqueen, and honestly, the fact that people did not question this woman's credentials or where "OneCoin" came from astounds me. From the beginning, I was lying there thinking "This sounds very cult-y" and from doing some research afterwards, it appears that I am right. I am very skeptical of all cryptocurrency. 

No de-tagging of clothes to do today, so I watched Riverdale with the kittens, and an episode of a show on Netflix called The I-Land. I have to say, I'm more interested in watching the rest of that than I am The Fall. Mainly because Alex Pettyfer and Kate Bosworth are both playing awful people and I really want to see them get their comeuppance. I can't even be bothered to go into what happened in Riverdale, when each character's plot can be summarised with "[Character] was a huge dumbass." I despair with these children.