In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 18th & 19th; I ended up in the box anyway.

The 18th of June. 

Such a great day. This morning, Mommy and I went to the new Kitty Café in Grand Central! When we arrived, two policemen were trying to get in, but they had to be told "Sorry, if your name's not down, you're not coming in." We were allowed in because I had booked, so we got taken to our table and were given menus. We were sensible and just ordered a mocha, an americano and two carrot cakes. While we waited, we stroked the kitties that came our way - the wheelchair was very interesting to a lot of them. 

The food and drinks were not good. The coffee was bitter, even in the mocha, and the cream cheese frosting on the carrot cake had no sugar in it. I didn't finish either of my items. Next time, just going to have a cold beverage that is impossible to fuck up. 

Since I wasn't eating, I went to find some more kitties, who had all congregated round the bathroom and spent the rest of my hour there. So many soft, cute floofers. There is one cat that looks like grey Oscar, so I automatically love him. 

When it was time to go, we popped into Joules to look at raincoats for Christine, and I got some excellent socks with dogs on. I also got some face moisturiser from Kiehl's, where I bonded with the shop assistant over our love of Huda Beauty. Then home!

The 19th of June. 

Day 1 of my 48 hours of NHS fun time. 

This morning, I had oxygen clinic at 10, which is usually "Do you still need the oxygen?" "Yes." "Okay, see you in a year." But today there was a bit more to update the nurse in from the past six months, plus I'm using the oxygen at night now and then there was the pity and the admiration of how well I'm taking this latest setback. I am very inspirational. After that, it was "See you in a year."

Then I had a short break in which we got some coffee and had a chat with Gaynor on reception (she used to work in pharmacy and was our favourite), then I had to go and have my lung function tests. Today it was with a chap who I haven't seen for a very long time, and we went it a room without the box so I got to do all the tests without having a really painful butt! However, the last test (a substitute for the box one) didn't go well - I had to do weird sucky breathing for many minutes, and the sitting up really started to hurt my back, then the machine wouldn't stabilise, so I ended up in the box anyway. Sigh. 

This afternoon, I sorted out my underwear drawers, so now there is a pile of socks and bras and pants on my bed that I no longer want. What do you do with those?