In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 31st & 1st; Screamy little monkey.

The 31st of May. 

I think until young Fabio gets adopted, I will be spending most of my days the same way: watching TV with him, trying to keep him out of mischief. This morning, we did two more episodes of Lucifer, although at one point Mommy came in and he followed her into the bathroom so many times that I had to hold onto him quite securely, and he did not like that at all. My arm suffered for it. 

After lunch, I watched the first episode of Good Omens. That's lots of fun, and I'm excited to watch the rest. Christine and I read the book on holiday when I was about nine, so I feel like I have been waiting for this for a long time. I would have carried on, but Daddy had planned on watching a film in there so I vacated the room. 

I decided to read another chapter of The Compatibility Gene, and I keep on finding tidbits of information that I find relevant to me. Today I found out that it's less important for HLA types to match when doing a liver transplant compared to other organs, and that the liver is relatively protected from immune reactions. Considering I had a fairly massive one in mine, I find that interesting. 

The 1st of June. 

Oh I am sleepy this evening. Despite not getting home particularly late last night (I went to see Sofie Hagen), I somehow didn't end up going to sleep until just after midnight. Had to make a second coffee mid-afternoon to perk myself up. 

This morning I did not go and sit with the screamy little monkey, because I let him into the bathroom while I was in there, and he used that opportunity to climb up my back which rather put him into my bad books. No, instead I did the Catalog admin for the kittens that have been adopted, and I put some photos and a blurb about Fabio on there for the website which might hopefully generate some interest in him. 

After lunch, I went to see him for a bit; I watched a couple more episodes of Lucifer while Fabio was very rambunctious. By the end of the second one, I was very tired, so I left him to it, made my coffee, and chilled out with another episode of The Story of God with Morgan Freeman. This one was about Holy Laws, and there was one part that was very moving - a Muslim man whose son was murdered forgave one of his killers, because "Islam dictates that God will not be able to forgive someone until the person who was wronged forgives them". Imagine having that amount of grace.