In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 5th & 6th; Nobody is going to be sleeping.

The 5th of November. 

I am slightly less tired today? I went to sleep earlier, but I had to get up early to go to hospital and my back is still stupid so it wasn't good quality rest. Mommy was awake at half three again, sigh. I think she should have a Zopiclone. 

I was at hospital to see a plastic surgeon about my knees, although it was going to be rather pointless because they have actually both healed now, although admittedly I did only just take the dressing off my left knee yesterday. My appointment was at 11.20, but we got to the car park about half an hour before that because we knew it was would be super busy as 11 is the start of visiting. We were correct to do that, because it took us about fifteen minutes to find a space, on the top floor, right by the exit. We joined the queue at Costa because I was sleepy, but Mommy then worried I might be late so I went in to the clinic and she said she would meet me with the coffee. It turned out, we needn't have bothered, because he was running an hour late. By the time he got to me, I'd finished the coffee, and I was in and out of his room in five minutes. We met, he checked the drugs I'm on, we discussed the wounds, and he looked at my knees. There's nothing for him to do, so we said "Nice to meet you" and went on our way. 

This afternoon, I put up a blog post, had a short Dark Time, then I had another kitty afternoon. Today I watched a terrible film called Better Watch Out. It was not terrible in a good way, and I would not recommend you watch it. It is an incel's wet dream, and I can't understand why the adults involved decided to make it. It isn't scary, funny or clever. A psychopathic twelve year old's fantasy. 

When I emerged from that (having had to yell at the kittens a lot because they kept going behind the television), I found both parents a bit broken after removing the rest of Grandma's stuff from her room. Daddy's back is bad, and Mommy can't move her head at all, so nobody is going to be sleeping well tonight! At least I am at the chiro tomorrow - Daddy has an appointment booked on Thursday so they'll have to decide between the two of them who needs it the most!

The 6th of November. 

Well, I feel somewhat better? I'm still a bit sore, but hopefully with a bit more ice and rest, my back will improve. Trine thinks I twisted my spine in some way (presumably in my sleep, because I haven't done anything one could call physical of late) and my muscles went into a protective spasm around it. She had to work down the whole thing, and I could feel it was very gristly. So unpleasant, and rather painful. I sat up, and she did a bit more work in the middle, until I felt it was time to stop and she thought so too, from how red it was getting. Much ice required! Plus, while we were there, Mommy got an appointment to see Trine this afternoon at five. 

After lunch, Alison came round with Harry, but only very briefly, because Mommy and Daddy had to go to the registry office to register the death. While he was here, he showed us how good he is at standing, but only if he is supported. Can't quite do it on his own yet, but he's very proud of his new skill. He also tried to climb into the chimney and got upset when Alison would not allow this. Time to go home for a nap!

The rest of my afternoon consisted of some Dark Time and half a Flatslam, then kitten time and a film. Today, I watched The Bye Bye Man, which I thought would just be a college slasher movie, but it was in fact a lot cleverer and more interesting than that. And for the last part, I had a sleepy Bramble on my lap, which was very sweet. She never chooses to come and sleep there, so I felt very special.