In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 30th & 31st; I smelled a smell.

The 30th of October. 

I had several weird dreams last night, but the main one that's stuck with me was one in which I was frantically searching through a dressing table in the hunt for my toothpaste, because I'd nearly brushed my teeth with some alcohol rub, and shouting "Where the fuck is my fucking toothpaste?!" 

Thankfully, my toothpaste this morning was where I had left it. I put up today's blog post, emailed Elana from Anthony Nolan, and gave the kittens a nice belly scratch. They have not done any disgusting behaviour in front of me today which is a bonus. 

Had lunch while watching the penultimate episode of The Blacklist, which was very stressful! I am glad the next one is tonight - I will definitely be trying to watch that in between getting back from the vet and going out to Black Sheep tomorrow morning. 

Still having my afternoon Dark Time, and today I put in some ointment because I am sure that spending time in the proximity of lots of hair dye tomorrow will irritate it enormously. I listened to Brexit/Electioncast, then The Naked Scientists who talked about blood (amongst other things). 

After an hour and a half, I was going to spend some time with the kitties, but Daddy was in with them watching us beat New Zealand again - apparently this time it was much more fun because he wasn't stressed about the result, which I suppose I can understand. Due to that, I watched one of the films I'd recorded from the horror channel at the weekend, The Possession. Child gets possessed by a demon that lives in a box and the divorced parents have to come together to fight to get their daughter back. I didn't have any kittens to keep me calm, so I knitted, but really it wasn't that scary. Rather unpleasant when moths came out of the girl's mouth and other icky things, but nothing I had to watch through my fingers. 

Need to decide exactly what I want Gemma to do with my hair tomorrow. It all kind of depends on what I want to do for Christmas. Consultation required!

The 31st of October. 

Oh boy, I am a sleepy panda this evening. I was up at quarter past seven because we had to have the kittens at the vet at half past nine for their second vaccinations. So tired. Unbelievably, while we were driving, I heard someone wiping their foot on the newspaper in the carrier, then I smelled a smell, and upon looking inside, I saw Blanche doing a poo at the far end! AGAIN. It was at least not diarrhoea this time, and they managed to not get it all over themselves. Bramble did have some on top of her head but I think that was from someone's foot. 

We got rid of the horrible shitty newspaper and cleaned Bramble's head, and everybody was jabbed and weighed. I asked if there was a way to stop the gross behaviour but there isn't, and the only way is going to be to separate them. So they'll all have to go it alone! Mommy got a lot more food, and while I waited for her to put it in the car and come back, I had a lovely chat with a really cute old man. He had a dog called Max and he was telling me how when he got him five years ago, the dog was really scared so he stayed up all night with him and by the morning they were friends and he could give Max belly rubs! I had to stop myself from being patronising but he was just so sweet. 

We got home just after ten, so I watched Bones and a tiny bit of news before going back out to Black Sheep. That is where I spent the rest of my day, pretty much! Pre-Christmas hair. Gemma and I had a chat, and we decided on all over purple with some red bits thrown in. I had to have my roots bleached first, and that took until one o'clock, so I broke out my emergency Penguin to stave off hunger. While she did the main painting, we talked about cats a lot, because she wants to get an adult cat, so I was having a look on Catalog to see what we have in case I could try and hold one for her. It doesn't look like we've got anyone she could adopt at the moment, but she's going to visit the adoption centre this weekend. We also discussed all the horror films I've been watching, and all the ones on my list to watch. She has seen quite a few so was telling me which ones were good or not, and recommending some stuff I wasn't aware of. Always happy to add more!

After my final wash, I went to see Michaela for a cut - it hasn't been done since the end of August! We've taken the sides very short and kept a lot of length on the top, just for a slight variation on my usual. I was not really able to look at myself for too long in one go, because my eye had got so unhappy being in the vicinity of the bleach. I had to spend a lot of my cut with my eyes closed, but I trust Michaela. 

As soon as we got home, I put a drop of steroid in, just to calm the inflammation down a bit. I haven't wanted to put any in because of pressures, but I really had to. I don't think it will have made a huge amount of difference! God I hope not. Tonight I will go to bed praying for good news from Mr. Kolli. Please say nice things.