In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 28th & 29th; Oh, how they love to scream.

The 28th of October. Pointless is being very distracting tonight while I'm trying to write. Alma from Corrie is on it and I can only wonder if she is still the enormous alcoholic she was when she did panto at the Hippodrome. 

This morning I got very annoyed at the Vue website because I thought they weren't accepting my disabled person card, but in fact it expired a couple of weeks ago. Then I was annoyed at the CEA people because they didn't email to remind me like they did last year. Pah!

I was booking tickets for Daddy and I to go and see Thor: Ragnarok. I am finally able to go to the cinema and not irritate everyone with my cough. When we arrived, there was a car left in the road of the car park (not in a space) with children in the back but no adults to be seen. Curious. Inside, we discovered they are selling pizza now. You can take a while pizza in with you. This makes me furious. I don't think it is acceptable at all. I was then amazed at the family of six in front of us who had spent nearly £110 on tickets alone, plus snacks! If I had four kids I would not think it was worth £18 each to take them to a film they'll most likely forget. 

Still, I had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Korg is my favourite and I am very into evil Cate Blanchett. What a queen. Also shirtless Chris Hemsworth is nice. 

The 29th of October. 

It's been a day of new kittens and Stranger Things. I woke up shortly after nine from a rubbish night's sleep, and decided to get on with watching the rest of Stranger Things pretty much straight away. Sunday Brunch had no interesting guests, and I had six episodes left, so I thought I'd see the first of them before Shaki was due to arrive at eleven. 

She appeared on time with three tiny fluffballs. Thankfully they're not so small that they can squeeze through the bars of the cage, but they're not far off. They love to scream. Well, the two boys do. Oh, how they love to scream. They're absolutely fine, just really vocal. Chester, the ginger one, purrs as well as screams. Mostly what they've done today is sleep. They'll do a lot of that. We can't let them run around on the carpet yet because they need to be flea sprayed, then 48 hours later, they can explore. 

My afternoon consisted of the rest of Stranger Things while grabbing at my face in stress. Those kids are so great. The Duffer brothers have really done am incredible job; nothing feels labored or gratuitous, it's a bit scary but not horrifying, and in all of the tension there are still moments of tenderness and humour. Next series please!