In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 11th & 12th; I got to feel normal for twenty minutes.

The 11th of January.  Both interviews went really well, and the 9pm one went out on Radio WM about half eleven - I'm on about 1hr25. I tweeted Anthony Nolan with the link and they're really happy with it which is good, and I've even had some people say they've signed up to become donors because of me. I love that so much. 

This morning I did a blog post, then called a potential adopter who I'm pretty sure we have kittens for. That was easy enough, then I spent my afternoon crocheting and watching two more episodes of The OA. I thought they were the last two, but there's actually two more! Still, that's a good thing because I had concerns as to how they were going to wrap things up. 

We went out about twenty past five for me to get to an Old Hallfieldians meeting at six. Unfortunately, we didn't have a quorum, so couldn't have the meeting. I couldn't get hold of either parent to come and get me, so Celia gave me a lift to Five Ways where I got a train to Wylde Green. The first time I've stood on a platform on my own in nearly ten years, and I still find the spot where the doors stop. Such skills. 

I got to feel normal for twenty minutes. No one on that train could tell that I'm a mess. 

The 12th of January. 

I will warn you, this is not going to be a very exciting post. I have spent literally all day crocheting. I suddenly remembered last night that I'd said I'd crochet some animals for James' (Dr. Ferguson) sons, and I have liver clinic on Monday. I hadn't got started, so today has been industrious. 

He had suggested Oo-Oo the monkey of Raa-Raa the noisy lion for the older one, but unfortunately, good patterns for them just don't exist. So I found a pattern for another monkey which I hope he will like, and in going to make a bear for the younger one. A bit generic but hopefully a safe bet. 

So yes, as soon as I had dressed and breakfasted, I got to work. I've made the head, a patch to go on it, the ears, the body, the arms and a leg. Not bad for just the one day. I stopped to eat lunch, and to do two Cats Protection calls I had scheduled for this afternoon. One went well, the other not so great. Bah. 

Tonight I plan on finishing at least all the parts of the monkey, and get him assembled if I have time. 

Oh, and we've had no snow.