In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 6th & 7th; Lots of sad mews.

The 6th of December.  I have a feeling this is going to be rather a short entry. Most of my day has been spent watching the kittens to see if anyone had any more dodgy stomachs. 

Yesterday, Pretty Kitty was being sick a lot, then was really lethargic all evening and most of today, and Derpy was sick and did several very upsetting poos, and was also very floopy. This morning I was waiting for Shaki to get me their CP numbers so I could book them into the vet, but it turned out they hadn't got any yet. I then had to ring Jen and get names and clear descriptions of the kittens, so that Shaki could get them registered, then I could ring the vet!

I finally got them booked in for twenty to five, and thankfully we got them all in the carrier easily, although they then did not enjoy the journey to Lydon's. Lots of sad mews. Pretty Kitty and Derpy had their temperatures taken, and it emerged that Pretty Kitty did have a high temperature, so she's definitely poorly and the others could be brewing something. Hopefully it's been nipped in the bud with everybody having an antibiotic jab and we have tablets to start tomorrow evening if things improve. If not, it's back to the vet. 

In between all of these calls, I had to go to the GP to get some more estrogen cream. The doctor was very sensible and sorted it out with no fuss, plus he liked my Christmas scarf. We'll keep him. 

The 7th of December. 

Six bouncy kittens this morning. I think they're going to be fine. Although tonight we have to start putting crushed up tablets in their food so we'll see how that goes. 

This morning, I spent most of my time watching the kittens, just to make sure they were okay. Essentially, we had a jolly good play. My hands are suffering with the claws of six kittens using them as playthings. Still, worth it. I also spoke to two potential adopters, one who I can tick off the list because he wants a cat from South Birmingham, and the other one will be quite straight forward. Excellent!

After lunch, as I didn't have to watch the kittens to make sure they weren't going to throw up, I went to the gym. I did a bit more than on Sunday, but still not as much as a normal session. I keep listening to Christmas music while I'm there which is lots of fun but means I walk around smiling at people and I can't have that, they might want to talk to me.