In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 11th & 12th; I hope my appointment on Thursday isn't a disappointment.

The 11th of September.  Going to apologise here for what is probably going to be a very boring entry. 

I slept badly again. Not to begin with - Sadie's put me onto this podcast called Myths and Legends which is really good to fall asleep to, so no problems there. No, I was just kind of awake from about seven for no particular reason. Bah.

This morning I blogged while watching Sunday Brunch, and all afternoon I've been sat in front of my computer, watching Jessica Jones (finished season 1) and backing up my phone. Well, that's not technically accurate: first I tried splitting a huge photo album into three sharing folders, but after an hour and a half, it failed. Then I imported all the photos from my phone that weren't in the computer already, and now it's copying the last backup of my phone so I can delete it and make a new backup. It said it would take several hours, so I've left it and will check back later tonight. I am somewhat concerned that it's going to have taken a toll on my back but I did everything I could to support it so hopefully I won't suffer too much. Maybe I'll lie on the floor a lot this evening. God I hope my appointment on Thursday isn't a disappointment. 

The 12th of September. 

Going to be another unexciting one I'm afraid. But tomorrow is going to be lots of fun so bear with me until then. 

More photo admin. Really trying to streamline what I have because there are so many unnecessary/duplicate photos and they take up too much space! As exciting as getting a new phone is, the sorting out of stuff beforehand is so very dull. I will probably at some point sit and go through them, deleting all the crap. What a fun day that will be. 

Also been prepping some stuff for tomorrow - printed out the assistance emails and what I'm going to say, and I tried on what I was planning on wearing to see how it looked. Very glad I did as it did not work, so then I tried on lots of other things until I'd made a decision and was very out of breath. Sorted out where and when I'm meeting Suzi and Lauren respectively and I will be meeting up with Amy too, so I am super excited to see all my babes! I've brought my other handbag downstairs and have transferred all the important things into it, so the only things I have left to do will happen in the morning.