In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 11th & 12th; Most people are good.

The 11th of June.  It is Daddy's birthday weekend, so we are having family bonding fun time. 

We have celebrated by going to the Cholmondeley Power and Speed Festival. We were leaving at eight, so I was the first one up, at six. I don't know why I require two hours to be ready, I just do. The weather was supposed to be pretty grey all day, so I did not take my sunglasses. As soon as we arrived, I realised this had been a mistake. It was cloudy, but too bright for me, and I was struggling. Thankfully, Daddy had his clip-on sunglasses and they fitted on my specs too. Without them, I'm not sure what I would have done. Probably bought some sort of hideous hat with a large brim (not that hats with large brims are hideous, I look great in them, but this was not the sort of place where they would sell good hats). I was also grateful we'd brought the manual wheelchair, because although I do not love being pushed around, the motorised chair would not have coped with today's terrain. There was a stand selling fancy off-roading chairs but they cost about £4000 and I am not in regular need so I don't think that'll be necessary. 

To be honest, there is not a great deal to say about what we saw. Lots of cars and motorbikes, some helicopters and a plane. Oh, and many retro ice cream vans. I had a pulled pork bun for lunch which was only a tiny bit spicy so my mouth could tolerate it, then we had some tiny fried funfair doughnuts and frankly I could have devoured the whole bag on my own. 

We left when we'd seem everything we wanted to, about half two, and on the way home it chucked it down, so I listened to Pillars by Josh Record and my sore eyes didn't really matter anymore. 

The 12th of June. 

I came downstairs today with arms full of presents, and I interrupted Daddy's viewing of the Grand Prix qualifying to give them to him. I bought him a Rubik's Cross (like a cube but harder) which I suspect may never get scrambled, and a Vinyl Pop figure of Flash, the sloth from Zootropolis, who brought him much joy. 

My breakfast was very exciting because it was an enormous crumpet! I have wanted to try one for ages but we couldn't find them in shops, and suddenly Tesco decided to stock them so I got to eat a crumpet as big as my face. Hooray!

I let the kittens have a run around while Christine and Mommy were very busy in the kitchen, ganache-ing Daddy's cake and making delicious foods for us all. Grandma was collected from up the road to join us, and we were round the table by half past one for roasted venison, followed by our favourite, chocolate mousse. There was also rhubarb galette but I had no interest in that. 

Spent the afternoon watching the Queen's celebrations, letting the food to down, while I crocheted a dumpling kitty (as it's called in the pattern). We paused for birthday cake, chocolate and vanilla marble, then Daddy took Christine to the station so she could go home. 

This evening, I went to see Sara Pascoe at The Glee. I was sat on one of the side benches, along with all the other lone people. So cool. Obviously she was brilliant, even when a lady fainted in the middle of the first half. Lights went on, the line "Is there a doctor in the house?" was heard, and Sara told us some lovely stories about Lanzarote and did some impressions (once we we fairly sure the passed out woman was awake and okay).

I went to see her in the interval, any we talked about her book and the dramas of the first half (she was fine, awake and talking, paramedics in attendance), then she had to work out if she needed to cut stuff so I left her to do that. 

I'm still trying to compute the massacre in Orlando. Their laws won't change, because the NRA is too powerful, and they love guns so much. Gay clubs are supposed to be a safe space, somewhere to escape the stares and prejudices of Straight White World, and that security has been shaken. But I am heartened by the queues of people wanting to give blood for the casualties. Most people are good.