In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 22nd & 23rd; My right leg is 4cm bigger than my left.

The 22nd of June. I was so exhausted, I had a beautifully long sleep without the aid of drugs. This morning, I wrote up a blog post and made another bear leg. I'm being very slow on this creature; must do better and get it finished. 

After lunch, Mommy washed my hair and went to Grandma's, so I watched Hannibal and Humans. Will Graham's hallucinations are becoming a little annoying to me. But no doubt there will be more, so I'll have to just get over it. 

I've spent a lot of the day being enraged by David Cameron's latest wheeze to get rid of all the migrants who aren't earning £35,000. It's going to decimate the NHS. His son probably had foreign nurses, along with all the other staff who are part of the system. He obviously doesn't respect any of the work they did. It's like he's forgotten he even had a disabled son. It's the only way I can maybe understand the way he doesn't give a damn about the people who rely on the NHS for a job and to stay alive. And no one ever questions him. 

We measured my legs and found that my right leg is 4cm bigger than my left. I am concerned it won't go all the way down and I'll need another venoplasty. I hope not. I really don't want to deal with all that again. 

The 23rd of June.

I was not ready to get up when my alarm went off this morning, but I had to force myself out of bed as I had to go to the chiro for 10:45. We're leaving it two weeks this time, so once my foot is back down, I can go back to the gym. On the way home, we went to Pets At Home for bedding for Hamilton, M&S for crumpets, juice and other stuff, and then Tesco for stuff that wasn't at M&S or was cheaper. 

This afternoon, I've finished all the bits of Mandy's bear, just need to assemble it now. I've also shaved my legs and that's about it. Not particularly productive.