In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 2nd & 3rd; I had the most tedious morning.

The 2nd of December. Oh I had the most tedious morning. We arrived at the Women's Hospital on time for my menopause clinic appointment at 10:15. We then sat for an hour and forty five minutes with no one saying what was going on, or apologising for the lateness of the clinic. By the time I finally saw Dr. Robinson, I was really very angry, and we politely let her know, but it wasn't her fault, and we moved on. I can't have the coil while I'm still on blood thinners, but my bleeding is much more regular and stable now, so I'll cope for another six months. 

When we left just after twelve, we had to go and get hamster food because we don't have enough for tomorrow. I was then able to have lunch, nut Mommy had to go straight back out to Grandma's! When I'd finished, I let Becky know I was back and she came over to show me what will be her wedding make up. It was subtle, but enough to be special. We approve. The M&S dresses are going back but we've got plenty of time so there's no worry. 

Back to hospital again tomorrow!

The 3rd of December. 

I decided to knock myself out early last night with a Zopiclone at nine because I wanted to get to haematology clinic for nine, considering I wanted to go into town afterwards and you can be waiting for hours if you don't get in early. So I saw Igor, and apparently my echocardiogram didn't show the thing that would mean I've definitely got/had a PE, but it did show the valve between my right atrium and ventricle isn't closing all the way so I have some backflow which is indicative of there having been a clot. So I need the CT! So that is getting booked and I'll get a letter. I have also been having these horrendous, debilitating headaches that we think are related to my high blood pressure, and I'd been having one since ten to eight and paracetamol hadn't worked, so I thought it a good opportunity to bring them up. He's now changed my lisinopril to amlodapine, and has prescribed me some co-codamol which I had two of at ten to twelve and within half an hour, there was some relief from the constant pounding. 

We went to The White Company and I have got my wrapping! Hopefully I've bought enough but I'll get started soon so if need more, I've got time to get it. Got home and had lunch, spent the afternoon watching TOWIE and Intruders, and this evening I met up with Sadie for an Old Hallfieldian reunion at The Highfield. We had fun, drinking and commandeering a corner of the food table, and she showed me her photos from America. 

Back to school tomorrow! It's going to be very weird.