In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 23rd & 24th; They were so young and carefree.

The 23rd of February. This evening, when putting my soup bowl away after tea, I had this strangely optimistic feeling. Like I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and everything's going to be alright. I know it's not, but that seems kind of irrelevant right now. My knee has felt suspiciously fine all day, in fact, the only thing bothering me is a rather vicious headache but I've had some paracetamol so hopefully it'll go away soon.

I kept my leg elevated today, just to be safe, and spent my morning as I do every Sunday morning, watching Sunday Brunch. We had Sunday dinner at lunchtime, because Christine had to get the train home at four. We had some super-tasty lamb.

This afternoon, I watched Hostages (something of interest finally happened!) and the Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony. It seemed to scream "We can laugh at ourselves! Please don't hate us!"

If my knee is still okay tomorrow, Daddy and I might go and see The Lego Movie!

The 24th of February.

I don't want to speak too soon, but after three days of consistent sleep, I think my early rises might be gone again? Now I've written it down, I bet I'll wake at half four tomorrow.

I didn't actually properly wake up until ten past nine today! Then Daddy had plans to go to Wickes and other such exciting activities (!), so we put off the cinema until tomorrow and I went into town with Mommy. She went to give blood and was there for a good hour, so I sat in Starbucks and read about half of The Humans by Matt Haig, which I'm now really enjoying. When she was done, we went to M&S to look for a suit for Daddy but they don't have many summer ones in yet.

My knee was twingeing a bit when we get back to the car, so this afternoon I put it up again and iced it, just to look after it again. I think I'll just have to be careful with the amount I have it bent.

Becky came over after school and I gave her some brownie and she told us about her owl experience that James bought her.

I got a little bit deep into my own head in Starbucks. I watched some school/college kids and they were so young and carefree. They know nothing about life and how shit it can be. They are so lucky. I hope they appreciate it.

the humans