In one of the stars I shall be living.

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Things got better.

Last night, things improved vastly. When my dad and I arrived at hospital for my meropenem, we got the news that it was to be my last dose! I'd been on it for two weeks and the microbiologist decided it doesn't need to go on any longer. The sepsis will probably come back, but there is nothing they can do to prevent it, so if I spike again we just go to A&E. Looking forward to that. We needed to go back today for spirometry tests and another group and save, so we did that this morning. Now I'm free. At least until next Wednesday when we go and meet the transplant co-ordinator, anaesthetist and surgeon. I hope it's Paolo or Darius. I don't want some random surgeon I don't know poking around inside me.

On the way home, I got my fringe trimmed at Bad Apple and this afternoon I have been incredibly lazy and it has been bliss.