In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 24th & 25th; Actually watched the football?

The 24th of June. I am a crocheting machine. Only of set of hexagons left to do!

And that's taking into account the fact that I didn't get started until this afternoon. This morning, I wrote up half a blog post, but I knew Amanda was coming to pick up some Cats Protection money between eleven and half past. I thought I'd better be dressed when she arrived, so I made sure of that before she got here. I still got the post up before she came anyway. We had a bit of a chat, but we no longer have any kittens so she didn't stay too long.

After lunch, I did something very unlike me and actually watched the football? I know. Although I missed the end because I was making a coffee, but by that point it was 6-0 so I didn't think I'd miss much. The tennis was very slow, so I spent the rest of the afternoon watching How to Train Your Dragon on Film 4 while I worked. I finished my last hexagon, then went to see if I could get Dolly to purr again. And I did! With less Dreamies, and for longer, too. But then back to jumpy. She's a funny little thing. I'm hoping next time I can get the brush on her. Tidy up her floof.

The 25th of June.

Finished all the hexagons! Except not quite. I have basically sat and crocheted all day, and having got to the end, I laid them out on the floor to gauge the size. From this, I have decided that it requires another two more columns. That'll take me a couple more days, then I have the joyous task of assembling it. Never done that before so it'll be interesting.

I have got very little else to report. I was able to sort out the rearranging of my appointment with Mr. Kolli, once I'd got through to the right person. And I made a bit more progress with Dolly - I went into the back room and said hello, but didn't actually show her my face (she was under the chair), just to see if she would come out for my voice and not Dreamies. She did! And I was able to approach and stroke her without bribery. I am beginning to feel positive about her homing potential.