In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 13th & 14th; It just seems I flag.

The 13th of May. Trying so hard not to fall asleep. I stayed up to see the end of Eurovision because I wanted to see the recap, due to us missing the proper show while we were at Amanda's birthday party. We ended up staying until ten, and both our voices had suffered this morning from having to shout over the sound system.

This morning, I wrote up a blog post while watching Sunday Brunch, then I got out my crochet and have worked on that all day. Grandma came for lunch, which was about half past one. Since then, I have been tired, but there hasn't been an opportunity for me to go upstairs and lie down. Instead, I have endured Gillette Soccer Saturday because everyone else cares about football, and I have learned that the men who commentate are really a bit too enthusiastic. Or maybe it's me; I just don't give a fuck about any of the teams and the only person I fancy is Jurgen Klopp. And now we've got a programme on about the Chelsea Flower Show. I could leave the room, but I feel like that is rude because I only see Grandma when she comes here.

Really looking forward to going to bed. Kittens tomorrow!

The 14th of May.

Jesus Christ I am still tired. Maybe it's just a build-up of Mach plus hospital appointments plus two late nights in a row? It just seems I flag at about four o'clock every day at the moment.

No kitties today. First of all, the mum cat has been given the name Dolly, so we had to come up with three D names for girl kittens. After consulting the internet, we decided on Dot, Daphne and Dusty. Shaki was going to bring them after they got registered at the vet this afternoon, but secondly, as Dolly is still not super friendly, Shaki will take them all for first vaccs etc in the morning, and we'll get them later on, so we don't have to fight to get her into a carrier for a few weeks.

My day has mainly consisted of tv and crochet. I'm cracking on through this jumper, and I've started season seven of Scandal. I feel very lazy when all I write about is how much tv I have watched but my energy levels are really low, even for me. Please don't let this be a precursor to being ill.