In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 29th & 30th; Maybe this is it.

The 29th of April. I'm going to be straight with you - today has not been very interesting.

I was happy to see Tom on Sunday Brunch and he was on top form (and very well dressed I might add) so I spent my morning watching him and writing up a blog post. We tried several times to clean the kitty's wound (I'm going to call her Little Pidge because because she mews like a pigeon with a sore throat) but she was really very cosy in bed and we couldn't bear to disturb her. I also ordered some more wool using one of my birthday vouchers to make another jumper, with a different pattern. Got to decide what to make for new baby Esmée.

This afternoon, we persuaded Little Pidge to get out of bed with treats, I painted my nails three times (let's not go into detail, it was a mess) and I started season 5 of Scandal with the kitty on my lap. I have two weeks to watch two seasons and for at least four days I'll be without time or Wi-Fi. Going to be a challenge.

The 30th of April.

I've had a rather productive day!

Up and dressed in gym wear, listened to The Riverdale Register, and cleaned Little Pidge's wound before she had settled down to get cosy in her bed, and decided I'd have my gym trip before lunch.

Once I got there, I'd just done my first set of squats when a lady came over to me. I took my headphones off to talk to her, and realised it was the mother of a guy I went to primary school with. She checked that I was who she thought I was, then we had a nice albeit brief catch up on how we both are, what her son's up to, how my family is. Then we both got back to our respective workouts and I'll probably see her around in the future. Small world! Upstairs, I did my usual routine, then at the end I decided to get on the BodiTrax machine to see if there's been any change since I first went. Pleasingly, my fat percentage has decreased by 3.2% or 1.9kg, and I've gained 0.9kg of muscle, do everything is going in the right direction! I also discovered, through standing up for the time it took, that the steroid injections probably haven't worked. Maybe I need a second set, maybe I need more time, or maybe this is it. I don't know.

When I got back, I had my lunch, then watched the last two episodes of How to Get Away with Murder and crocheted some of Esmée's gift, before going to sit with Little Pidge and watch more Scandal. Powering through.