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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 13th & 14th; Custard creams for being brave.

The 13th & 14th; Custard creams for being brave.


The 13th of April. I am not sure how easy it will be, but I'm going to try to write this with only one eye. It's tricky trying to work out when the pen is going to hit the paper because I have no depth perception.

It's been a really boring day, I'll warn you now. I got a blog post done this morning, then we had to be at the QE for half twelve for my eyelash appointment. I was seen by the nurse just after one, then when I saw Mr. Kolli for the bit where he draws on my face, he said that for infection control reasons, my position on the list was going to be much later, so I wasn't going to be done until half three at the earliest.

As I hadn't got my two o'clock tablets and I'd finished my book, we decided to come home. Had lunch and drugs, picked up a different book (The Power), went back!

Mr. Kolli was more supervisory today. I was congratulated once again on my stoicism while being stabbed in the face but it really isn't that bad. I felt it much harder to keep my eye open this time, but the doctor seemed to cope. Three big lashes, three fine ones. Hopefully I have some left! Then my whole eye was slathered in ointment and I have a double pad on secured with tape, which I can take off at bed time. I got some free custard creams for being brave, and here we are.

The 14th of April.

I have not quite escaped the bruising this time. Slightly less experienced doctor means more injections so I have several tiny pink blobs under the eye. Getting the tape off last night was not fun at all. I am very glad we have the stickiness-dissolving wipes because otherwise we would have ripped off half my face.

I have spent my day in the house, despite the sunshine. Never mind the miniature black eye I am sporting, there's also the thrice-daiky ointment which only adds to the shininess. Makes a gym trip not top of my priorities list.

Instead, I have crocheted the sleeves of my jumper and finished season three of Scandal. I haven't got to the end of the second sleeve, but I should by the end of the day.

And of course Theresa May has decided to join in with starting World War 3, so I'm going to start looking for a bunker.


The 15th & 16th; Looks worse than it is.

The 15th & 16th; Looks worse than it is.

The 11th & 12th; I'm already getting stronger.

The 11th & 12th; I'm already getting stronger.