In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 9th & 10th; My back will be horrific tomorrow.

The 9th of April. I had planned on going to the gym today, but instead I am bundled up in knitwear and my toes are freezing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ill. My back has just been really painful today, and this morning, my daily morning phlegm was really aggressive and took a long time to shift. Frankly, by lunchtime I was shattered and any gym thoughts were off the table.

After lunch, I decided to get started on my first altered jumper. I suspect it will take longer than the first one because although it will be smaller, it will require more stitches because I have to do more rounds with a smaller hook. I just really hope it works!

The 10th of April.

Brr. I am cold again, but that that's because I am in gym clothes and they are not particularly toasty.

This morning, first thing we did was catch up on last night's Marcella because it was the series finale and I wanted to stop having to avoid spoilers. The ending itself was rather batshit but they're obviously setting it up for an utterly bizarre third season.

After that, I went upstairs to get dressed, then spent the rest of my morning creating a new logo of my face for my business cards. They've needed changing since I got new glasses, so I plan on actually designing them tomorrow.

This afternoon, I have been to the gym. My back is as bad as yesterday, but my morning cough wasn't as exhausting, so I thought I ought to go. It was freezing in there today, the air con on full blast despite it being in no way warm. Kept my hoodie on for pretty much the whole time.

Tonight I am tired and I think my back will be horrific tomorrow.