In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 4th & 5th; Getting high and listening to Dave Matthews Band.

The 4th of March. The thaw has begun, thank god. I would like to go out in the daytime this week, not covered in eight thousand layers.

No crochet that. This morning, I watched Sunday Brunch while I wrote up a blog post, and sorted out Mommy's Mother's Day card and present. I don't think it's been this close to her birthday before.

This afternoon, I made it my mission to finish Gnomon. And I have! I had just over two hundred pages to go, and I needed to get to the end. It's incredibly current, and so complicated - I almost now need a digested version of it, or to listen to people cleverer thank me talk about it.

I went to sit with Mac, and we were watching Christine (the film about the news anchor, not the homicidal car), but then he did a poo and jumped on my lap with poo on his arms which was very upsetting, so I left.

Daddy is off this week, so we can go to the cinema and hopefully there will be NO CHILDREN.

The 5th of March.

Outside! Normal service has resumed. Here, anyway. Any remaining snow is in dirty, sludgy piles dotted around the streets.

This morning, I phoned Christine who does Andrew's clinics, but they have not had any instructions from him yet, so no appointment can be made. I'm thinking he hasn't had the report from the radiology team? I don't know. I also tried to get hold of the booking coordinator for steroid injections, but had to leave a message. Sigh. And I had a chat with Laura from Free Radio to discuss the opt-out organ donation system consultation. Obviously I am in favour, but rates only really increase is it's a hard opt-out system, meaning families don't get a say.

After lunch, Daddy and I went to see Lady Bird. We weren't quite the only ones there - three other people joined us. It is a lovely film - warm and funny and smart and sad. If made me want to hug Mommy when I got home. It took me back to fifteen and able-bodied, going to parties, getting high and listening to Dave Matthews Band. I miss that.