In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 26th & 27th; She never fucking sent it.

The 26th of February. I found the birthday card! I had hidden it (too well, it turns out) in a Christmas bag by my window. Very pleased because it is a great card.

First thing, I gave Mommy her card and presents - a pair of embroidery scissors she'd asked for, and some afternoon tea Biscuiteers biscuits. Then, once I'd had my coffee, I went back upstairs to the computer. I put together Suzi's sausage dog while scanning for duplicates, then marking and deleting them. The program I got to help with iCloud is no good, so I'm going to have to do it the tedious way.

I got sick to the back teeth of marking individual photos, especially when there were over 40,000 groups, and then the program crashed, so I thought fuck it. I created some rules, auto-marked and trashed them. And seeing as I'm doing the iCloud photos on a browser, I can do it downstairs on the laptop and not be in agony. I'm going to ring the GP tomorrow to find out if they've had this letter about steroid injections. I ought to be able to sit in a normal chair without excruciating pain.

The 27th of February.

No computer today! Well, a tiny bit, but using the laptop, not at my desk.

I had a big sleep, and this morning I did very little bar having a hairwash, petting the kitten and doing a bit of gym research. I simply don't have the impetus to work out at home, so I need to find somewhere that I can go which is more accessible to me i.e. no stairs.

After lunch, I started working on Sara's King Charles spaniel while catching up on some tv. I've made the head and body, and seen the new iZombie (how I have missed it) and last week's How to Get Away with Murder. I am unhappy that Connor proposed to Oliver because I love them and I think this means that Connor will probably die.

I also spoke to the GP to see if they'd received the letter from Dr. Blaney's secretary. They had not, so I rang her, but she wasn't the. Someone from her office rang me back, and it turns out she never fucking sent it. It has been done now but fuck, she is incompetent.