In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 1st & 2nd; Happy New Year!

The 1st of January. Happy New Year!

I am very warm and very sleepy. Staying up until half past one and only getting eight hours of sleep is not good for me. I know, eight hours, woe is me. I have had a small coffee so that should keep me going until bedtime.

It's been a very sedate New Year's Day. This morning I wrote my last blog post of 2017; will have to retire that diary to the collection in my bedroom. I'm annoyed that Moleskine have stopped doing The Little Prince stuff but this will do. I also finished the shawl! Finally. I will not be using that wool again - it's so full of static. Then I went to give the kittens some individual cuddletime, especially Amber as she didn't get any yesterday.

Grandma came for lunch, and we had duck and goose, not that I could tell the difference between the two. Both tasty though. And leftover puddings for pudding, because we were building up a larder.

This afternoon has been film-watching and trying not to overheat. I had some good news this morning - enough tickets to Still Standing have sold to pay the venue! Now, as long as the insurance is paid off, all extra sales go to Anthony Nolan. Got to have a chat with them about some press.

The 2nd of January.

My ribcage hurts where I had the chest drain, has done all day. I don't know why - my breathing is no worse than normal, and I haven't made any weird movements. I'm at the chiro tomorrow, so maybe Trine will be able to help.

Said goodbye to Christine this morning because Daddy was driving her back to Twickenham, then Mommy and I spent until lunchtime inventorying my wool. Went through both boxes and worked out what belongs together, by brand, colour, weight etc. It took ages! But now I know what I have and I can decide what to use for projects I've already got in mind.

This afternoon, I started reading Gnomon, and sat with the kittens so they could roam around while I watched the first two episodes of How to Get Away with Murder season three. I know I'm very behind but it's only just come on Netflix. Amber and I are becoming quite good friends now. Ava not so much, she still runs away a lot. Will have to bribe her with treats.