In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 19th & 20th; Wrapping time!

The 19th of December. Oh lord I am so tired. I got home about half eleven last night (the gig was much fun), and it took me hours to fall asleep, then I woke up several times so the sleep I did have was not of good quality. I am going to have Zopiclone tonight. Stupid lack of sleep.

So I have been really sleepy all day. I did a blog post this morning, and rummaged through my back up hard drives to find the original photos that were taken during my first stem cell transplant. Ten years ago today, I had my first cells from Christine. All the versions of the photos on my phone were rubbish quality, and I knew there had to be a better one somewhere.

Once I'd found it, I spent a lot of my afternoon trying to compose a tweet to send out to promote Still Standing. It took a stupidly long time for something so insignificant. I'll probably do the same again on Thursday. Maybe I'll be better at it then because my brain won't be mush from not sleeping.

I can't wait to go to bed.

The 20th of December.

Zopiclone worked. Nice big sleep, thankfully. I could not have coped with the wrapping pain if I was exhausted.

This morning I brought all the presents downstairs and wrote all my Christmas cards. Tidied up the living room table so we can fit food on there. Not much else for me to do until after lunch, really!

Mommy went out to Grandma's then to pick up Christine from the station. I took everything into the dining room, made myself a peppermint chocolate drinking fudge, put The Polar Express on and it was wrapping time! I thought it would be best if I wrapped everything in the paper first, then did the ribbon on them all after, otherwise I might not have been done by the time Mommy and Christine got back. My paper was stupid and didn't want to stick together, so I was glad I'd bought string as well as ribbon. Maybe next year I will not do glitter paper.

When The Polar Express finished, I watched a funny little film on Netflix called Pottersville. It was quite amusing, kept me entertained while I covered everything in glitter.

Now I am finished and my back is excruciating but I am done. It was worth it.