In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 5th & 6th; Always teaching.

The 5th of December. Ugh fuck I am tired and sad and stressed.

First thing I had to do was to out with Mommy to the sorting office to pick up my Christmas shoes, but that was the only good part of the day.

When we got back, I wrote up a blog post, and that took longer than it should have, which was bothersome. Then Rosemary came for lunch, so that was distracting and meant I couldn't get on with more jobs.

I had some of the soup and cheese scone that Mommy had made, then I got on with my planned work. There are just loads of questions that keep coming up in the organisation of this event - it is a lot more complicated than I had imagined. I sent Daddy an email with some questions which he had additions to, then he got angry with me because he misunderstood my reply. I think we are friends again now though.

After that, I got my crochet out and have essentially completed one present. Two more to go. Then two other things to make. Sigh.

The 6th of December.

Mood greatly improved, despite a dodgy sleep and an early start. I woke up at three, then again at half five, after which I didn't go back to sleep. Really hoping tonight is better.

I had haematology clinic this morning, where I met a new reg called Dr. Hussain. One of the first things he asked me was if the paper about me had been published yet, to which I didn't know the answer. Just because I am the subject, it doesn't mean I am kept in the loop. He didn't have much to do for me, except my prescription, and took up the majority of my appointment. Then the pharmacists wanted to know about how my eye GvHD was treated, so I did some educating. Always teaching.

Pharmacy were going to take ages to fill my script, so we went into town to pick up two bits from Selfridges - Daddy's Secret Santa for work and Jonathan's birthday present. Back to the QE, picked up my drugs, home.

This afternoon, I did some crochet, and had a conversation with a chap from the venue of the event I'm organising so I could ask him the questions I'd talked to Daddy about. Once I was satisfied, I got the booking form back to him, so I should be able to announce it tomorrow!