In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 12th & 13th; Paranoid that I'm going to pop my lung again.

The 12th of October.  I had my first reasonable sleep in weeks last night. As in, it didn't take me hours to fall asleep. That might be because of how exhausted I was - I was too tired to eat even half of my tea. 

I woke up with a suddenly very tickly throat that wouldn't abate unless I drank continuously. It cleared up once I brushed my teeth, but I couldn't go back to bed. I had an appointment at the GP anyway - they wanted to talk to me about my latest letter from ophthalmology. Turns out they were confused about my prescription. He was actually very reasonable, and we did a bit of a prescription audit so it's up to date now. 

This afternoon, I watched the new episode of Riverdale (yay!), and felt up to doing a bit more crochet. Another assembly job next. I never know how the cough is going to be the next day so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I've got a ticket to see Jayde at The Glee tomorrow night but I can't see that happening with the way I am. It's probably not a good idea even if I am feeling better. I've coughed enough today for my ribs to hurt and me to get paranoid that I'm going to pop my lung again. 

The 13th of October. 

Bleugh. I had another decent night, but I'm still knackered this evening. I'll have had this for three weeks on Sunday. 

The cough has changed again today - it was really dry overnight and first thing, and as the day has progressed, it's been constant phlegm. Wish it had been like this on Wednesday and I could've given the hospital a better sputum sample. We have another pot so if I'm still going on Monday we can take that in. 

This morning, I put together the doll I'm making, although I had to reattach the right leg three times because I just couldn't get the angle to match the left one. 

Then, after lunch, I started on the clothes. It's pretty straightforward so far, just long. It needs details though, and they will be tricky.  

Oh god I am so tired. Obviously no Glee tonight. I just want to sleep until I am better.