In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 2nd & 3rd; They had to have a tiny trim.

The 2nd of July.  Opposite of the past couple of days. So quiet. I almost went back to sleep when my alarm went off, but I forced myself out of bed. When making my coffee, I think I could have made it pretty again, but I ran out of space in the cup. Try again tomorrow. I wrote up a blog post while watching Sunday Brunch, then I went through a couple of Mommy's food magazines, marking the recipes I want to eat. One of them was mainly full of Italian dishes, e.g. pasta and tomatoes, so that was essentially thrown away. Not for me. 

This afternoon, I resisted the urge to nap after lunch, then went to sit with the kittens and watch Orphan Black. Remembered that they need to starve before their chipping and neutering tomorrow, but they keep trying to feed from Betty. I don't know how much they're getting, but we can't let them do that tonight, so we've put the cage back up. Back in there, just for one night. 

Early start tomorrow. Got to get them to Lydon's by half eight. Betty will be delighted to have the day to herself. 

The 3rd of July. 

Yawning. Up early to get dressed and get the kittens into the carrier so we could get them to the vet for them to be neutered and chipped. Thankfully, herding them was pretty easy, then we just had to wait ages at Lydon's for them to be checked in. They all got paper collars with their names on, so no trouble telling who is who. 

Back home, had coffee, made sure Betty was okay, then sat and did some crocheting while watching Victoria Derbyshire, then the start of Wimbledon! I have grown to enjoy it very much. Plus, everybody I wanted to win today has done so. 

After lunch, Mommy went to Grandma's, and I listened to the new episode of My Dad Wrote A Porno. I think today's was the best/worst of this series. So funny but so upsetting. She got back shortly after 3, so I hopped into the car and we went to pick up the floofers. They were all fine, and had piled themselves up at one end of the carrier, bless them. I went to snip their collars off, and found that three had got stuck to their floof, so they had to have a tiny trim. They all need a brush anyway, so hopefully once I've done that, it won't be noticeable.