In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 26th & 27th; I am not spending another six months like this.

The 26th of June.  Ughhh NO PROGRESS. Rang Tracey this morning and she doesn't even have me on her disc (whatever that means), despite saying ten days ago that she had my paperwork. She has to talk to the other person who does bookings, and they're not in until tomorrow, so we're ringing back tomorrow late morning/early afternoon. This is so hard. I feel like giving up. 

Mommy and Daddy have had an impromptu trip to Wales today because upon discussion last night, it was realised that today was the only day they could go. Someone had to stay behind to look after the kittens and considering what a day in the car does to my back, that was me. 

I don't really know where my day went. I wrote up a blog post this morning, and I did some shouting at the Daily Politics before going to check on the kittens. They had put one of the mice in the litter tray, and we had a nice play until Betty decided to poo. 

To cheer myself up, I listened to the new episode of My Dad Wrote A Porno while I ate my lunch. Then I watched the season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and upset myself again because it was really sad when Hope disappeared. A man came to the door with a survey, and I had nothing better to do, so I took part, answering questions about whether I trust the government and if I am concerned about being a victim of cybercrime (I don't and I am not). I suppose the rest of my afternoon was Orphan Black on Netflix and kitten petting. Now I've ordered pizza and am awaiting the return of my parents. 

The 27th of June. 

First thing I did this morning was email Andrew's secretary. She must have gone straight to him, because about five minutes later, my phone rang, and it was the man himself. I tried to explain my frustrations, and I think he understood. He said he would get Tracey to sort it out and ring me back with a date. She hasn't yet. He also said he thinks there could be a lymphoedema element, basically he is trying to prepare me for it not to work. If that happens, I don't think he'd do the rib-removal surgery without me seeing a specialist first. However, not a lot of doctors really understand it very well. He better have a friend he can refer me to. I am not spending another six months like this. 

So I've spent a lot of my day staring at my phone. Mommy and I watched last night's Great British Menu, then she went to Grandma's. I watched a bit more of Orphan Black, and I'm just blown away by Tatiana Maslany's ability to play so many characters and constantly act against herself. Felix is my favourite. I could well just blast my way through this show, considering I'm already halfway through the first series. 

A family came to view the kittens this evening. A couple with their six year old daughter who want two playful kittens. Now, mine might not be super friendly, but they do love to play. I got some toys out, and soon they were selling themselves. They want Brodie and Bailey, so now we just need to chip and neuter them and they can be adopted. Then find homes for Bree and Betty! Phew.