In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 24th & 25th; Intermittent and confusing.

The 24th of March.  Very little to report today. I spent my morning writing all about yesterday, then put it into a blog post. I had some terrible news that James (who colours my hair) is moving to London in May! I'm very pleased for him but also very upset for my hair. I have now booked in to see him and Michaela next week, as I planned on getting it cut on the day I went into hospital, so on Tuesday I'll have a chop and we'll work on a spectacular finale of our relationship. 

My breathing has not been great, and that's because when I'm just on air, my sats are only 90. Now I've bought a home sats monitor, I'm obsessed with checking them. It seems I have good reason to be though. 90 is not good enough. I'll have to keep an eye on them and if they don't improve we'll have to see what the doctors think. Can I just get better please?

The 25th of March. 

Okay if this is recovery it is very intermittent and confusing. I slept with the oxygen on, took it off when I got up (which was late because I forgot to set my alarm) and by the time I'd got dressed, my sats had hit 85. This did not bode well. However, during the morning, I started feeling better. I took the oxygen off, and suddenly it seemed I had improved - I've been above 95% on air since then. I don't understand. 

In other news, I checked MyHealth last night on a whim and saw that I have a venoplasty date! 24th of April. A month away. By the time my arm deflates (that's if it works this time), I won't be able to wear the rest of my jumpers which have been waiting for the past three months because it'll probably be warm again. 

For much of my day, I sat and watched episodes of Buffy on the SyFy channel while I crocheted. Every so often I have checked my sats and they've been okay, so I think I'm just going to have to see how I feel every day and see if the trend is up or downward.