In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 26th & 27th; Happy Birthday Mommy!

The 26th of February.  Happy Birthday Mommy!

I had a rather dodgy sleep, I think because of eating rich food much later than usual. Fucks up my system. 

Mommy opened her presents while I ate my toast. I gave her a teeny pot for putting herbs or a tiny plant in, and an enormous book of pictures of dogs. It's got nowhere to live, but it amused her, which is what's important. Besides, Tuesday is her proper present. 

She and Daddy went to pick up Grandma, while Christine finished cooking all the food and I wrote up a blog post, then twiddled my thumbs until it was time for lunch. As soon as we saw the Easts/Reames materialise with cake, we were up and opening the door. So hungry!

The afternoon has been rugby, drinking and eating. Christine, Becky, James, Jonathan and I decamped into the living room, where there was much bickering and teasing, but all in loving intent. We are essentially family.

Christine had to leave at twenty to four, so we cut the cake, but mine is still beside me, waiting for my tummy to have room for it. I'll get there.

The 27th of February. 

Oh dear, I had another terrible night. It took me hours to fall asleep - I think on Tuesday night I might have a Zopiclone if things don't improve. I would do it tonight, but I'd like to remember tomorrow. 

No excitement today. I rang the GP about getting some more stuff added to my repeat prescription, and left a message for Imelda, Andrew's secretary, but she hasn't called me back. Will try again in the morning. 

Otherwise, I have been crocheting, and Mommy and I watched the final three episodes of Case. It was not completely satisfying - I don't see why the murderer had to get killed, instead of being put in prison, especially as they were on their way to arrest him. They've left it open for a second series (on a different thread) but I don't know if we will bother.

I am very excited for Mommy's birthday surprise tomorrow. I hope she enjoys it.