In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 12th & 13th; I find it very soothing.

The 12th of February.  Really tired, although I really have no excuse to be. I slept all night, whereas Mommy was awake at four. I did have a dream that someone murdered me with an injection to the back of the neck, and that woke me up at about one. I could physically feel where the needle had been. So not a great sleep. 

This morning, I wrote up a blog post, then watched Sunday Brunch in my pyjamas while I finished crocheting all the parts of Carol's present, ready for assembly this afternoon. 

After a lunch involving the cake Mommy made before I even woke up, I thought I should probably get dressed. Then for the rest of my afternoon, I sat in front of the rugby while I put my crocheted creature together. I feel the same way about rugby as I do about Gardeners' Question Time - no idea what they're talking about, but I find it very soothing. 

Mrs. Doubtfire is on this evening, and it's been so long since I saw it, I had forgotten how tremendously excellent it is.

The 13th of February. 

No dreams about being murdered last night, and Mommy woke up at five instead of four, so that's progress. 

We have both had very productive days, although in rather different ways. It's been decided that the dining room needs decorating (to be fair, we've lived here my whole life and only had one new carpet) and of course I am not getting involved, but Mommy has removed the paper from two of the walls. 

I have made a large doily. 

That might not sound very impressive, but it took several hours and was pretty complicated so well done me. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. One of the pattern websites said that a doily is one of the best heirlooms to leave for your children, but seeing as I won't be having any descendants, that's kind of a moot point.

So, that's been my day. Oh, I finally got an appointment with the pain team! End of March, so six more weeks of agony. Then maybe I will get some relief.