In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 10th & 11th; Felt very overdressed.

The 10th of February.  The news is so depressing, I have put Phineas and Ferb on instead. It is a nice distraction, and there are amusing bits for grown-ups. 

I had planned on being productive today, but somehow it did not really happen. I wrote up a blog post this morning, although in writing that, I've just remembered that I didn't publish it yet. Will do that when I'm finished here. 

Mommy went food shopping, so I was twiddling my thumbs while waiting for her to come back so we could have lunch, but it took somewhat longer than I anticipated, so that was time wasted. Then after we had eaten, we decided to watch some more Case, and I can't crochet while that's on because I need to pay attention to the subtitles. 

So, two hours were gone on that, and now I have half a doily. One positive of the day is that I found another jumper that can accommodate my ginormous arm. The parka is not going to cope anymore, nor will it keep me warm, so when I go to the QE in the morning, I am going to have to wear Joan's enormous fur that she gave me. Knew it would come in handy one day.

The 11th of February. 

One can never call a day when one is up at quarter to seven (particularly when that day is a Saturday) unproductive. I had another hospital appointment, this time with the eye department because of the ridiculous sensitivity that I've had for the past eight months. First, the chap could see that I had several lower lashes in my left eye growing inwards so he numbed it, then whipped them out with some tiny tweezers. There is also some mild GvHD acting up, not cool, so I've got some dexamethasone eye drops and hopefully they will do the trick. 

Went into town afterwards to get some toy stuffing, and got some more of my favourite chocolate from Selfridges as it was half price (slightly worrying - I hope it doesn't mean they're going to stop stocking it), alongside some triple double chocolate Oreos which we are going to put into brownies. 

Popped into Tesco on the way home, where I felt very overdressed, driving around in the fur. It's not for supermarkets. Then I was starving by the time we got home, so we had lunch, and since then I've been crocheting Carol's birthday present. Becky came round because I'd bought her some Malteaster bunnies, and she updated us on the local news, which is that the WHSmith has had its cash point ripped out. Plus school news was swapped for health news, and now I'm watching us probably lose to Wales at rugby.