In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 14th & 15th; My stupid body.

The 14th of November.  The kittens do not seem too traumatised by their ordeal over the weekend. Last night we had all three of them sleeping on our laps in various combinations, bless them. 

I wrote up a blog post this morning and gave the kittens lots of attention. They've just been very sleepy for most of the day, which means they'll probably be really hyper tonight.

Normally I would have gone to the gym on a Monday afternoon, but Mommy has been back and forth to Grandma's because she's not well, and my back is still not up to exercise. Hopefully tomorrow. I have finished my first crocheted bauble, and the holly leaves inside were a bit big, so I'll have to use a smaller hook for the rest. 

I also finally finished The Bone Clocks. I don't know how satisfied I was with the ending. It wasn't ambiguous or anything (I really hate that) but it just wasn't the outcome I would have liked. Ideally, all books should end tied up like neat little packages. 

I would like a decent sleep tonight. I am so looking forward to my general anaesthetic on Friday. 

The 15th of November. 

Ugh well today has not been good. I slept badly again for no good reason, so we did not start off well. To pass the time before getting up, I watched Frankie Boyle's American Autopsy, and although it didn't make the Trumpocalypse okay, it was bearable for forty minutes. And the all-female panel was a delight

This morning was acceptable - I finally put the beads/baubles on Xaver the Christmas tree and tried several things to emphasise the edge of Anton the angel's shorts, but eventually settled on just crocheting round because nothing else was really visible. 

My back felt better so I went to the gym, but it didn't last. I did maybe two thirds of my usual workout, I'd got to the floor, but it was suddenly just way too painful, and I had to give up. I think I might not be going back until next week, let it completely recover. 

I also made an upsetting discovery - I was checking the times for Tom and Suzi's gig tomorrow and I discovered that it's not tomorrow. It's Friday. The day on which I am having vagina surgery. If it all goes well and I am done fairly early then it might be absolutely fine, so I just have to hope that it is. I will be so gutted if I cannot go because of my stupid body.