In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 31st & 1st; The jumpers will come out soon.

The 31st of October.  Yes, yes, Happy Halloween. I don't really do Halloween since it became the day I went into hospital and didn't leave for seven months. We have a pumpkin and a bag of sweets but that is very much it. 

This morning we had to take all the kittens to the vet for their post-op checks. Amy was resolutely not getting into her carrier, no matter how many treats we tried to tempt her in with. Physically, she is fine, so we decided to leave her here while we took the kittens. We have to get her to go back for second jabs next week so hopefully she might feel better about it then. 

We saw Shaki and Jen at the vet so Mommy talked to them about Amy's issues and I took the kittens inside. It was the one who did their first jabs so that was a nice bit of continuity, and I am happy to say they're all fine. 

Back home, I just had time to fill in the paperwork before Shari came to pick up Alfie and Angelica. She was super excited, had barely slept bless her. She signed where she needed to, then we got the kittens into their new (very fancy) carrier and sent them on their way! I have had a text to say that she has a purring Alfie already. 

This afternoon has been more cat-sitting and Black Mirror. I have managed to stroke Amy a bit while giving her treats, but I'm not sure that'll last. I watched Men Against Fire today, and it was mildly terrifying in its pertinence to the current climate. 

The 1st of November.

I had an unusually busy morning. We have decided that my room really needed a tidy/clean, because it is so dusty in there, it makes me really cough- every morning and evening. However, it has to be a team effort, because with my lungs and back the way they are, I cannot physically do the tidying myself. Mommy brought down a bunch of crap for me to go through that she had already dusted, and I dealt with that while she vacuumed one of my bookcases. I cleared out most of it, kept some, and felt very productive before I'd even been to the chiro!

Trine did some work on my neck and upper back, particularly on my grindy ribcage/shoulderblade situation. She basically pulled them away from each other so it no longer feels gristly which is very pleasing. 

After lunch, I went to the gym, where the only bothersome thing was that the shoulder press is out of order, but my irritance was assuaged by the fact that I got to listen to the new Regina Spektor album which has been out for a month but I was unaware. Also, while I was waiting to be picked up, I made my Christmas playlist, so I have my festive tunes immediately to hand. The jumpers will come out soon.