In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 13th & 14th; So. Much. Crocheting.

The 13th of October. My hand hurts. So. Much. Crocheting. 

This morning was rather nondescript, just a blog post, then I started crocheting which has been my activity of the day. Working quite so constantly with a 2mm hook for five hours tires out one's eyes and one's thumb. It has cramped up several times but I massaged it and persevered because I really wanted to get it finished. I just have to sew on two of the elements and do some embroidery, and it'll be complete. I am delighted with how it looks - it is so cute, I am sickeningly proud and can't wait until Christmas so I can put up pictures. 

That has really been it. When I went to feed the kittens at lunchtime, I got Archie out and we had a very nice cuddle - he was very well behaved. I am hoping we can get Christine some kitty petting time this weekend. 

The 14th of October. 

Well, my day did not start off brilliantly; I threw my cereal all over myself and the chair so I had to change all my clothes. Fantastic. 

I have spent most of my day on my own. How sad. Mommy was out all morning with Grandma, and Daddy went to pick up his new car, which took him until quarter to three. I don't know why, maybe he was just taking the long route home. Then at three, they both went back out to pick up Christine from the station, and returned an hour and a half later. 

I was at least productive during this time - I finished off the crochet project I've been working on, so no more tiny hook and sore eyes! Moved on to the next thing, which requires a nice, normal sized hook. I did have to stop at about half four though as my thumb kept cramping up and I really needed a break. It didn't help that I was also tweeting a lot about the farce that is the Ched Evans rape trial. The sheer volume of vile misogyny on the internet and clearly in the courtroom makes me sick. Another example of a man using power and privilege to discredit a woman who has nothing to gain from accusing him. The fact that she has had sex before and used a certain phrase being used against her and that it's deemed relevant evidence is such garbage. It's a fucking travesty. No wonder women don't report.