In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 25th & 26th; Regular clothes suck.

The 25th of September. Last night's bad dream was that I got shot, then I was having to have another transplant but I'm not sure which organ. I would like this to stop now. Nice dreams please, brain. 

I had a nice morning in the soft pyjamas (honestly I hate taking them off; regular clothes suck), writing my blog and crocheting the last square. It turns out that I need one more to complete the blanket but I don't have enough wool, so I'll have to wait for another sale, then get some more to finish it. I also changed the battery in the heart rate monitor strap to see if that would fix it, but it still wouldn't transmit. Had it worked, I would have gone to the gym this afternoon, but now that's going to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on when my new one gets delivered. 

After lunch, I iced some cakes for Daddy to take into work tomorrow when they're having their Macmillan coffee morning, and started working on one of my Christmas presents. I'm so organised. I am having to do it with a 2mm hook though, and boy, do my eyes hurt. I think I am going to need to do this with lots of breaks. 

I've had a text about collecting Rufus and he'll be going on Thursday. A couple of days more to try to make him less skittish!

The 26th of September. 

Finally a night with no bad dreams! Not that I remember, anyway. I only recall one in which Christine was in her bedroom and the bathroom at the same time. 

I am tired because I've been back to the gym. My new heart rate monitor came this morning so I made sure it all worked before I went - didn't want another surprise. Mommy had to go and pick Daddy up from work because he was feeling ill again, even though he'd taken his tablets and everything. Really hope he's okay this weekend. I also did a bit more work on the Christmas present. 

So, the gym! On the way, I got a text from Vlad asking when I might go and do this core plan. I said I was actually nearly there, but he wasn't around, so we agreed on Thursday. I saw Neil and paid for the rest of September, which was a whole £4.17, then went to put my stuff in a locker, where I had a panic because I thought I'd lost the lightning to headphone adapter. Thankfully I found it under the seat, which was most pleasing because a) I really didn't want to have to buy another because I was careless and b) I didn't want to have to listen to gym music. I did a bit more than last time and it all seemed okay - we shall see tomorrow!