In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 24th & 25th; I am going to be a Young Ambassador for Anthony Nolan!

The 24th of February.  Ergh I do not relish getting up at half past six for early clinics and freezing my face in the wind, but I at least made some headway in my book, The Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair. We saw Kat and her mum who we haven't seen in ages, so it was good to catch up with them, then before we knew it, Ram was calling me in. He's requested an ultrasound for the fluid in my hand, is going to badger Andy Toogood about another bone density scan, and isn't sure about the dizziness but if it happens again we'll have to look at it more closely. We then spent nearly an hour waiting for pharmacy to fill my three bags and got home at half twelve!

This afternoon I crocheted and finished season 4 of Pretty Little Liars, oh the STRESS. Even though I know who A is, it's still very tense and I'm still not sure how we come to the final conclusion. It's all a bit ridiculous but I like it. 

Out again at quarter past five for another Old Hallfieldians meeting. There were seven of us tonight which is loads! It was a quick one tonight at Celia had to leave to go to the ballet, so we kind of boshed through the agenda. We have a new member, Rohan, who's 34 so closer to my age which is nice. Then Tim brought me home. Had tea, now I am watching The BRITs and being very pleased with Adele. #FreeKesha 

The 25th of February. 

I had a horrible night - it took me ages to get to sleep, then I woke up at I don't know what time and tossed and turned for a few hours, dealing with heartburn and a sore throat. To amuse myself I listened to the first few episodes of a podcast called My Dad Wrote A Porno and it is vastly entertaining, so if you can't sleep you should listen to that. 

I decided to hold off on getting dressed until I'd had a few Strepsils and knew it the sore throat was sticking around or not. Thankfully they worked, so I could go and put gym clothes on for a trip there after lunch and a catch-up on last night's Sport Relief Bake Off. 

Admittedly I didn't spend as long in the gym as usual because I was so tired. I was also mildly put off my routine by a man who I'm pretty sure wasn't wearing any pants. I saw more of him that I ever wanted to. 

Tonight I need to wrap Mommy's presents because it's her birthday tomorrow!

Oh and I can share my news about the phone call I had on Monday - I am going to be a Young Ambassador for Anthony Nolan! I have to go to London for two days of training in March, then I will be basically available to them for when they need patient stories to make an impact. I think I can do that. 

Giant Costa fingers.