In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 5th & 6th; I try not to think about these things.

The 5th of December.  I feel like it's been a very busy day, but it hasn't, it's just that I've just got back. This morning I got a blog post done, then I had to go to Erdington to go to the Cats Protection Christmas fair. I needed to give Jen the paperwork from Neve's adoption, but we did also wander around and bought some cake and jam. The majority of the time there was actually spent waiting for a lift which was ultimately broken. This meant I had to climb four flights of stairs which was not my favourite. Luckily for me, there was a chair waiting at the top which I gratefully collapsed into. 

When we got home, I had a chat with Daddy about the cinema, whether we should go and see Bridge of Spies or Carol. After much deliberation, we decided on Tom Hanks fighting for the American way. I was glad about this because I think Carol would have made me sad. Not that it takes much these days - love stories, babies, the state of the world, bigots, people who can work, people who can's easy to upset me. I try not to think about these things. 

I really liked the film. Tom Hanks making excellent speeches, plus some really great comedic moments which I was not expecting. Nice to remind us that even in serious circumstances, one can always find something to smile about. 

The 6th of December. 

Routine. Breakfast, coffee, Sunday Brunch. Finally got round to reading yesterday's paper. Re-did my nails and remembered how dreadful glitter is to remove. Becky came over for some respite from the stresses of her life. The house is coming along but the physical activity causes her pain, school is hard; I wish I could offer her more than an ear and a mug of tea. Nick decided that he'd hold onto my hair when he nearly fell off the chair, slightly painful. Stupid cat. 

Daddy's box of computer parts arrived early, which he was thrilled about, so now he's started building his new one. There was blurb about a thermal paste that needs to go between the fan and something else, not too much or it'll squidge out, not too little or it won't conduct. I don't know.