In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 20th & 21st; Yeah I'm back on steroids.

The 20th of March. I was woken by Mommy coming to tell me that the cute grey kitty with the short legs was sitting outside Christine's bedroom window, and his name is Oscar! I now feel we must catnap him. I'll put up posters saying "Is this your cat? NOT ANYMORE." Then we watched the eclipse through binoculars on a piece of paper, before I was fully steroid-creamed and got dressed.

This morning I did a blog post, then shortly after lunch I went to the gym. I went earlier today so as to avoid the guy I keep seeing who uses the mats when I want to and it makes me irrationally annoyed. I did end up having a chat with a huge man that I have seen a few times, and he was asking how long I worked out for etc, and he thought I was a runner! I found this rather amusing as I'm not sure anything could be further from the truth. I don't even have the physical capability to run.

As we got home, we saw Becky coming home from school, having spent her afternoon making cornflake cakes. Her dad has flu though so I didn't get too close. I can't afford to get poorly again.

The 21st of March.

Yeah I'm back on steroids. My fingers and toes get so goddamn itchy, especially at night. I couldn't stand it any longer, and the rash hasn't even got the slightest bit better. I decided to stop taking furosemide today too, see if my arms swell up without it.

Daddy and I went out at half eleven to see Chappie before it isn't on anymore. It was okay. A lot of it was quite clearly a metaphor for God - "Maker, why did you make me so I could die?" I particularly didn't like the scene in which the kids were throwing rocks and setting Chappie on fire - it was almost like watching child abuse. Also, everyone had terrible 80s hair which I couldn't understand.

We then proceeded to watch rugby all afternoon, getting very stressed at the crunch. In the prelude to said crunch, I read the last bit of So You've Been Publicly Shamed and it was really good. So interesting. I should really read Lost At Sea, seeing as it's upstairs. Apparently, I must read Them too. So they're on the list!

Tonight, Mommy and I went to Bank to celebrate Lauren's 21st birthday! My little one, being a proper grown-up now. I've known her nearly 10 years and I'm so proud of the woman she's become. So the food came and the bubbles flowed and we drank to my friend. I am so full and tired. Sleepy bear.