In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 7th & 8th; Being ill is so boring.

The 7th of January. Being ill is so boring. I didn't sleep much last night, no surprises there. I had clinic today which I had completely forgotten about so we didn't get there until about ten to twelve. 

Because I was so late, I obviously had to wait ages, but eventually Ram saw me. He looked at my results from the tests and he's pretty sure I have flu, just none of the strains they tested for. There was no reason to readmit me, so we left at about half two. Home for lunch at three!

This afternoon I did some more crocheting, including some successful basketweave which I'm very pleased with. I also watched an old episode of TOWIE in which Joey Essex didn't know what date Christmas was. How he has not been eaten by a predator yet, I do not know. 

The 8th of January. 

Better sleep. I had a Zopiclone which I'm fairly certain had a lot to do with it. I got downstairs a bit quicker today I think, and I think I have coughed less. It's difficult to monitor, obviously, because it's every day, but I do think there has been slight improvement. 

I think I am going to just crochet my way through this flu. Today I made the body of a bunny, but he still needs arms, ears and feet. It's odd - I follow the pattern, but he's not round like the picture, he's more egg-shaped. Oh well! Still cute. 

We used the kMix for the first time today, so I witnessed that, and Mommy's made three cakes now! Loads of cake in our house (which will all go to Boldmere Court). 

Becky came round after school and she's super busy! School, wedding, argh. Much stress for her. I suppose at least I will never have to deal with that.